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Friday, October 8, 2010

So You Think You Know (Do You?)

Recently someone told me that he didn't
know what to tell someone in regard to
a situation, and he was quite frustrated
because it was apparent that the other
person wanted to talk.

I asked if he knew what the other person
wanted to talk about, and he had some
idea, and speculated about what the
details could be. Based on what he
speculated, he wasn't sure what could
be said.

The fact was while he had some idea, he
didn't really KNOW what the other person
would say, and because of that he truly
didn't know that he didn't know what to
say. Had he been willing to have a
conversation with the person (and at the
time he wasn't) he might have discovered
that he would uncover exactly what needed
to be said because the interaction with
the other person would have brought to
the conversation whatever needed to be

The interaction would have been like
a scientific experiment. It would
have brought two things together into
something with a different characteristic
than the two things have when separate.
Not knowing what that would be (as organic
as situations like that can be), one
could only guess at what might be the
outcome, and quite possibly be incorrect.

It is interesting to think we know things
when we really don't. Even more interesting
is to jump into these situations with an
open mind and without any particular
expectation. One never knows what can
happen in cases like that. Granted, that
is the fear that holds people back, but is
also the possibility of something wonderful,
as well.

So the next time you think you know something
and it holds you back or frustrates you,
consider that you may not know anything at all,
or that what you "know" is taking you to the
wrong destination because the information (or
interpretation of the information) is faulty.

For those of you who are perfectionists
and/or those of you who have to have
everything figured out, this will quite
possibly be a challenge to do. I promise
you, though, if you listen to your heart
and let it lead it will help out that head
of yours, should you be willing to take
the leap.

By the way, I know *wink* what I am talking
about, as I used to be one of those types
of people. I still have my moments, but
I have been amazed how walking into a
situation without everything figured out
can net some wonderful results.

As always, just a little something to
consider as you wind your way through life.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Good News Report (Wow!) | Video

I am impressed. Sorry to think it's just a news
segment among many pieces of not so good news,
but it is a start! I wonder if other places do
something similar that I have yet to see.

There is a station in Iowa (KCCI) that has such
a thing, and they reported on a man who lost his
business due to a flood, and was aided by his
competitors as he attempted to keep his
business going, and revive
. (Click for video/story)

As impressive, if not more so, is the news itself.
In a world where money and greed and selfishness
all too often take center stage, it is so nice to
see someone helping another because they can,
regardless of how it may seem to affect them, or
their bottom line.

Of course, one might wonder if there is good PR
value in it for them. But you know what...?
So what if there is. The best part of it all
was already accomplished. Another person's
well being was considered and aided.

If you know of other things like this, please
let me know. I would love to hear of more good
deeds. We hear so much about the not so good
stuff, I'd love the counterbalance.

Not Alone | Video

Even with our perceived differences - we are
often very much alike.

With the death of the Rutgers' student recently,
there has been a surge of messages for those
children who are LGBT and are struggling due
to teasing, intolerance, and tormenting of others.

Interestingly, Lance Bass said that when he was
younger, he even played the role of a tormentor
which gives some credence to the idea that there
is a possibility that those who mock something
or someone likely have something going on
personally in regard to an issue. Look at those
conservative politicians who say one thing, and
then get caught in less than conservative
compromising positions.

If people could feel more like they could be
themselves, there would be little (if any) reason
for things like regard to LGBT issues,
or anything else - in regard to children, or even

When someone is in pain, it is difficult to see
the forest for the trees, but hopefully those
who stand up and tell their stories will help
those who are in the dark see a glimmer of light.

We all have something to offer, but all too often
it gets hidden behind things that really don't
matter all that much.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delaware's Dilemma is Ours, Too

Interesting ad the following is.

Perhaps you have heard of Christine O'Donnell?

I don't know more than the snippets I hear
in the media, and am not sure I want to, LOL.

Apparently a video has surfaced that has her
speaking about Wicca or being a witch, or
something like that.

It doesn't really matter what the fact is for
the purpose of this entry because all I want
to say that if it says something about Wicca,
it is one very misunderstood practice.  It
is actually quite beautiful in how it looks
at things (at least from what I know of it).

As with anything, even the good can appear
bad depending on its use, and depending on
who's using it, and how.   Once again, we
should be careful about labels, as things
and people aren't always what the label
implies, and can even sometimes be mislabeled.

Christine makes a good point in the video
about how no one is perfect, however to
label witch as "bad" isn't necessarily a
solution in my mind, either.  Much that
isn't understood is labeled in such a way
that it is often feared, and sometimes

In some way the message of her video also
aligns with my previous blog entry.  In so
many ways we are alike, but it's hard to
remember that while the differences are
tearing us apart.

The voters of Delaware will do themselves
a favor by investigating the facts, and
also looking at the labels and what they
mean.  Taking things for granted (with
very few exceptions) is rarely helpful. 

I wonder what the outcome of the Delaware
election will be.  I wonder if any of
these types of things could be happening
to have us pay closer attention to the
things we believe, say, and do.  If so,
I am not sure if getting caught up in
certain pieces of what is going on is
productive as it can take the form of a
distraction, as we go off on paths that
divert us from the things that we should
really be paying attention to.

Not to say the details don't matter,
but sometimes being so focused on the
smaller pieces, we lose sight of the
bigger ones.  Given what is going on
the world-at-large, perhaps there is
a bigger picture we're missing? 

What do you think?