I heard something today to the effect
that men are humbled by the time they
seek out someone to help them. Those
who are willing to seek out the help
usually find that it is done as a last
resort because they can't seem to
accomplish what they need to on their
own. As a result, some will label
themselves as weak.
I find that interesting, as it is
something that there would be those
who would want to manipulate that
would use that as an argument.
"You are obviously a weak man, and
you need my guidance."
(While this person was speaking
specifically of men, I believe
that the same could hold true
for women. In general, I try
to stay away from making broad,
sweeping generalizations based
on a label, such as a gender.)
It is also interesting for me to
sometimes sit back and observe how
arguments are made and won by how
they are presented. Is someone
weak, or are they just a human
being who is in need of some
If every human being that was in
need of assistance was weak, we'd
all have to go by that label.
Then, once labelled that way, we
judge ourselves as inferior, and
the downward spiral would continue.
On the other side of things one
could make the argument that a
smart person knows when assistance
is needed to accomplish a goal.
And this smart person is empowered
by seeking out that help.
If life is lived in the focus
that we have, then almost anything
could be configured in a way that
empowers or is destructive.
If you are in one place and you
want to get somewhere else, but
haven't been able to on your own,
I might be able to help.
You would be surprised how
seamless things can be with the
right kind of assistance, and
it doesn't necessarily need to
be a long, drawn out ordeal.
I realize that it may be something
that consciously is difficult to
grasp, however it makes more sense
than you may be able to grasp which
would make sense because if you had
grasped it, things would have been
different already.
You could go to a city on your own,
or you could go to a city and visit
with an expert guide. By yourself
you may find things interesting that
the guide would gloss over. With
the guide, your attention may be
drawn to something you would have
There are pluses and minuses with
the choices we make. The mistake
we can sometimes make is to label
them in a way that is positive or
negative or right or wrong when,
in fact, it is just "different."
One last thought on the idea of
"help." A person may have the skill
to be able to build a building on
their own, and might be able to
do just that. The thing is, though,
the destination - a completed
building - will likely be reached
that much more quickly with some
help. Does that mean that person
is weak or inferior?
You may be looking to get somewhere
in your life. And you may just be
able to get there on your own.
But you might get there quicker and
with a better use of your resources
if you have some assistance.
You're a smart person. I know you
will choose wisely, and what is
best for you...you do know that,
don't you? If you didn't, I hope
with what I have said, you will
reconsider who you think yourself
to be and the options you choose.
Sometimes having good company
along the way can make things
seem so much more simple and
I am available to be a part of your
crew...if interested, let me know
when I can start! :)
Have a great day!