It's about what works. A relationship blog. For all relationships - especially the one you have with yourself.
"You cut right to the heart of the matter. Your knowledge of human relationships is quite significant and intuitive."
@webmaster_ref (Twitter)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Greatest Thing | Video | Music

A friend of mine shared this song with me
a few years ago. As old as the song is,
it seems timeless in its message.

A contestant from American Idol pulled it
out and dusted it off for people who likely
never heard it before last night.

Hearing about the news is what reminded me
about it.

In addition, kudos to Casey for sticking to
his guns and going with what felt right to
him. Yes it was atypical, and that is
likely what was so great about it.

It says a lot about the greatness that can
come from going with the beat of our own
inner drummer, or outer bass (LOL).

Of course, the true verdict remains to be
seen with the voting, but I gotta believe
regardless of the outcome, he is sitting
in a better place for it.

For some it will be about the trophy,
which does have its own rewards, but for
others winning is about the reward of
finding oneself and the valuable things
that come along with that - things that
no one else can give you which, for that
reason, may just be inherently more

If you haven't heard the song,
here's your opportunity.

and Casey's Version


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

on MSG | Recipe | Homemade Bouillon

I have heard that MSG can affect our minds,
among other things. Search the internet and
you will find a myriad of not-so-good info
about it.

In general, I try to create things from
scratch, when possible, and especially
when I hear that there are things reportedly
that have a particular effect that is
detrimental. I don't know about you, but
I got enough stuff messing with my mind,
without chemicals coming into the mix.

Of course, there are various sides to any
story, and there will be those who will
say that MSG is safe, however, I would
much rather go for something that has a
better chance of being safe because I
made it.

At one point I was using a lot of bouillon,
and discovered that it, too, had MSG, so
I decided to see what I could find as
a substitute.

I found a recipe that is vegetarian
(maybe vegan?) that seems to be working
quite well as a substitute. I use it in
boiling water as I would use bouillon,
sprinkle it on various foods, like eggs
and popcorn, and have made soup with it.

On top of everything else, I would
suspect that the recipe has less
sodium content than the kind of
bouillon you buy in the store. For
anyone who is watching their intake,
I would imagine that could be a very
good thing.

I share the recipe with you, in case you
may be inclined to give it a try. If you
do, let me know what you think!

Homemade Bouillon

1c. Nutritional Yeast Flakes
1T. salt
1/2 t. ginger
1t. pepper
1t. marjoram
1t. tarragon
1t. paprika
1t. rosemary
2t. sage
2t. thyme
2t. celery seed
1T. garlic powder
1T. onion powder

I put all of the above into a
small blender/mixer and make
into a find powder.

You can figure 1T per cup of
water if you are looking for
a ratio suited to a bouillon

I bet you can find some great
uses for it, and you can
certainly mix up the ingredients
to suit your own tastes.

As a side note, Nutritional
Yeast Flakes are considered
a Super Food, rich in Vitamin B,
that have been used as a
substitute for those who do
not eat cheese. For some, it
is a very inferior substitute,
however I have tried it on
homemade pizza and omelets
and would have to say it is
not bad at all...for the
sake of the flavor, as it
certainly will not have the
grease or texture of actual


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Have you ever really wanted something really bad?

Have you ever really wanted something really bad?

Have you done all that you could to make it happen,
even if didn't? Have you said all there is to say?

If so, you might appreciate the following
statement I made to someone:

"I have done all that I can. I have exhausted
every avenue, every option, every street, every much so I stand here feeling empty
and yet complete."

The beauty is that it was a situation that I
very much wanted to turn out differently than it
did; however, despite the outcome, I found
peace in the fact that I said and did everything
I could.

Communication is a beautiful and powerful and
freeing thing.

Believe in Past Lives?

Did you know that the process of
Past Life Regression is a hypnotic state?

Perhaps you don't believe in it,
or it's not for you.
That is understandable.
Many people believe that we get
one shot at life and, then, that's it.

As far as I am concerned, if that's
all you believe, maybe you are right,
and that is truly all there is. To me,
what comes before and after this moment
is not nearly as important as THIS

There is a great saying about what the
PRESENT is. If we are paying attention
in the moment, every moment has the
opportunity to be a gift - if we are
are paying attention.

What is helpful to recognize about
Past Life Regression is that it is
a hypnotic state, which means that
it is one that is more open than
our conscious state. For that reason,
it is often better able to give us
the answers we might be looking for,
and sometimes answers to questions
we didn't even know we had.

There have been some pretty amazing
stories that have come via people's
experiences with the idea of their
own past lives.

Those I have led through past life
regressions have found what seems
to be some correlation in their
experience to their current life-
at least in THEIR case.

I never believe anything is bad or
good...however, I think information
can be a helpful thing. The times
I did the regressions, the information
that came up was helpful to the person
I was speaking with.

To be fair, it doesn't take much for
the mind to build relationships and
associations. It could very well be
something that came from a childhood
experience (or any experience really)
that was reinforced many times.

However, there are a couple of pieces here.
One is that the earlier the interest,
especially if it is strong, the more interesting
(in my mind) it is to look at from a
past life perspective possibility. Ever see
very young children who have seeming
inexplicable talents? Might past life
possibilities be a potential explanantion?

The other part to this is that every person
and experience is unique. What is it
about that person at that time in that
circumstance that gives birth to that
particular dynamic? Why is it that for
one it will "stick" and for another it
is inconsequential?

Could it be there is something more?

Perhaps it is something to think about.

Perhaps it will do nothing more than
just give you an appreciation for what
you have now.

Perhaps you have another option.

Any which way you go, it's all good.

If this is of interest to you, feel free
to write me about your interest, your
opinions, and to ask any questions you
might have.

Thanks for listening.
Have a great day!

A (Humorous) Tale of Two Brains | Video

Men and Women are different.

Nothing new there.

People are always
attempting to explain it.

Anyone who can do it with humor,
and in a way that is helpful,
in my opinion,
is definitely a person to
consider listening to.

With that in mind,
I share the following video.
If you like his approach,
there are others on YouTube,
you can also view.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Shift | Video

In the last entry I wrote about how
perspectives can empower or be
destructive. On the heels of that
I saw this video. I believe it is
a remake of sorts of another video
that was in Italian(?)

Actions are often stopped or taken
by the meaning behind the words
we use, and their resulting meaning.

Just like the previous blog, I am
looking more at the perspective
shift that is possible, the one
that is able to empower a seemingly
disabled situation.

I suspect is much more possible in
our day-to-day lives, if we are
willing to be more aware and alter
how we go about the things we need
to do.

If you have a minute, check it out,
and let me know what you think.

Need Help?

I heard something today to the effect
that men are humbled by the time they
seek out someone to help them. Those
who are willing to seek out the help
usually find that it is done as a last
resort because they can't seem to
accomplish what they need to on their
own. As a result, some will label
themselves as weak.

I find that interesting, as it is
something that there would be those
who would want to manipulate that
would use that as an argument.
"You are obviously a weak man, and
you need my guidance."

(While this person was speaking
specifically of men, I believe
that the same could hold true
for women. In general, I try
to stay away from making broad,
sweeping generalizations based
on a label, such as a gender.)

It is also interesting for me to
sometimes sit back and observe how
arguments are made and won by how
they are presented. Is someone
weak, or are they just a human
being who is in need of some

If every human being that was in
need of assistance was weak, we'd
all have to go by that label.
Then, once labelled that way, we
judge ourselves as inferior, and
the downward spiral would continue.

On the other side of things one
could make the argument that a
smart person knows when assistance
is needed to accomplish a goal.
And this smart person is empowered
by seeking out that help.

If life is lived in the focus
that we have, then almost anything
could be configured in a way that
empowers or is destructive.

If you are in one place and you
want to get somewhere else, but
haven't been able to on your own,
I might be able to help.

You would be surprised how
seamless things can be with the
right kind of assistance, and
it doesn't necessarily need to
be a long, drawn out ordeal.

I realize that it may be something
that consciously is difficult to
grasp, however it makes more sense
than you may be able to grasp which
would make sense because if you had
grasped it, things would have been
different already.

You could go to a city on your own,
or you could go to a city and visit
with an expert guide. By yourself
you may find things interesting that
the guide would gloss over. With
the guide, your attention may be
drawn to something you would have

There are pluses and minuses with
the choices we make. The mistake
we can sometimes make is to label
them in a way that is positive or
negative or right or wrong when,
in fact, it is just "different."

One last thought on the idea of
"help." A person may have the skill
to be able to build a building on
their own, and might be able to
do just that. The thing is, though,
the destination - a completed
building - will likely be reached
that much more quickly with some
help. Does that mean that person
is weak or inferior?

You may be looking to get somewhere
in your life. And you may just be
able to get there on your own.
But you might get there quicker and
with a better use of your resources
if you have some assistance.

You're a smart person. I know you
will choose wisely, and what is
best for do know that,
don't you? If you didn't, I hope
with what I have said, you will
reconsider who you think yourself
to be and the options you choose.
Sometimes having good company
along the way can make things
seem so much more simple and

I am available to be a part of your
crew...if interested, let me know
when I can start! :)

Have a great day!