an escape. Then you go to a place that is
hypnotic in nature, and becomes difficult
to escape.
The problem is that it takes you away from
living a life that you could really love.
Maybe you don't love the life you live, but
if you escape it, you will never do anything
to change it.
Virtual life becomes better than the real one.
In actuality, if you are willing to take the
steps necessary, your real life could be
better than a virtual one - any day.
It is at a greater risk. It takes more work.
It has a greater level of difficulty because
the rewards are so much greater.
Of course, life is about choices, and you are
making choices all of the time, even when you
don't think you are (non choices are by default
Are you choosing wisely?
If you are in doubt, odds are you might want
to reconsider what you are doing.
A part of you knows what is best, and it also
knows that making a change won't always be the
easiest thing you ever do, but it also knows
it will likely come with the greatest reward.
That voice will never give up on you.
It loves you, and it knows what you are going
through. And it knows that if you continue on
the path you are on, you aren't doing yourself
any favors because in the end, you will discover
there was a price to pay that was greater than
any you would have paid to face things.
It will help you get what you need...
you just have to be willing to...LISTEN.
Consider that when an escape becomes your
life it ceases to be an escape...instead
it winds up being a form of a prison.
If these thoughts resonate for you know that
you can get what you need without compromising
yourself. And, the best part is you can get
it in a way that works for ALL of you, not
just a part.
Speak to me live
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