Recently I told someone "Life
is good." Interestingly, it gave
them the impression that my life
was perfect.
I had said good because I was focused
on something that made me feel good.
I didn't say good because life is
perfect. As a matter of fact, it is
a far cry from perfection.
There are things I am frustrated about,
depressed by, saddened by, confused by...
the list goes on. However I keep going,
and I keep reminding myself of the
things that I tell other people, and
it helps - a lot. Sometimes.
I tell you this because it is easy to
look at another person and their
circumstance and think they "got it
made." You never know what is going
on in their world and in their mind.
We all have our moments. Hopefully
just not all at once because that
would really suck!
In the meantime, if your life is
feeling sucky at the moment, you
are not alone. If you want to feel
better find something you can feel
good about - and focus on that.
Want to go back to feeling sucky?
Odds are you might. Just keep
bringing yourself back to that
good thing. Will it be easy?
I think you already know the
answer to that question.
You may even give up. Be kind
to yourself if you do. It
happens. What also happens is
sooner or later you will come
out of what you are in.
Just realize that just because
this moment is less than perfect
doesn't mean that your life is
less than good.
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