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@webmaster_ref (Twitter)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Many Paths

Sometimes in life it is easy to think that
there should be one clear-cut path for
everyone to take. It certainly would
be much simpler, wouldn't it? We'd all
know what to expect, because everyone would
be following the same path, at the same
speed. Life would look very much like the
image on the left.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, life it much
more like the image on the right. There is
one point of origin that we all come from,
but we can go off on many divergent paths,
sometimes slower than others, and sometimes
crossing over others for a moment.

It is seemingly much more chaotic than the
simplicity of the image on the left. At
the same time, I would venture a guess that
the reason it seems so chaotic is because
instead of focusing on our own path and life,
we are often busy gauging what another is doing,
some even spending energy trying to get others
to conform.

What if we could all be more present in, and
focused on, our own lives? Might our lives
feel more like the image on the left?

What do you think?

Speak to me live

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