to be in a coma for 23 years, when in actuality, he was
conscious, and very aware of all that was happening and
being said around him.
Many people have been amazed by Rom's story, and what is
currently being conveyed by a specialized machine and
his ability to express his experience.
It has astounded many, and stirred up all kinds of
things, including hope for some whose loved ones have
been in what would seem a coma. Might there be others
like Rom?
What I personally found interesting was my perspective
as a Hypnotist who has been hypnotized. You see, I know
when you are hypnotized, you could be in a state in which
you are unable to speak and unable to move, and yet, you
could be aware of what is going on around you, and even
"speak" things in your mind, but not be able to communicate
them audibly.
As the piece that made the difference for this man's life
and future was a brain scan, I find myself wondering what
(if any) relationship there might be between his and a
hypnotic experience. In Rom's case, he is reportedly fully
paralyzed, however, in hypnosis, what the mind "believes"
to be true will likely be the experience of the body.
It makes me think. What about you?
Speak to me live
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