It's about what works. A relationship blog. For all relationships - especially the one you have with yourself.
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@webmaster_ref (Twitter)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Relationship Body

"When you find your husband..(sic)
you have to be willing lose
yourself to become one with
him. Its (sic) not just YOU
anymore. Its US."
- AngelaSimmons on Twitter

I find it amazing how many
people believe this idea,
but then again enough people
say enough things at the
"right" time and those ideas

Of course everyone is entitled
to his or her opinion, but I
have to wonder why people don't
consider that one can still
maintain oneself within the
body of a relationship.

To me, it's kinda like a physical
body. It has distinct parts.
Arms. Legs. Head. And so on.
And each part has parts.

Each part has a distinct role
within the body, and while
occasionally parts can play
other roles, the body has a
master design that works for
a majority of people.

Of course if an arm or a leg
was trying to be off doing
its own thing, it could be
trouble for the body. However,
for many the arm and the leg
function as it should, and
within the context of the body.

It keeps its role without
losing itself and maintains
itself within the overall
framework that has been

Might it not make sense to
consider relationships in this
context? Perhaps one does not
need to lose oneself as much as
one might need to respect the
relationship "body."

Just a couple of my cents,
with inflation, who knows
what they're worth? But
they're yours to do with
what you will. :)

Have a great night.

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