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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Do Things Happen as They Do?

Sometimes things that can be terrible tragedies
can create openings for things that are their
total opposite.

There is a story about a couple who met at an
anniversary event of the Lockerbie bombing,
and who got married in August
.  They
were both children when they lost a parent
on the plane. Odds are likely pretty good that
neither parent knew the other, and they would
never have met, had the even not occurred.

From the sound of the article, there are other
close knit relationships that have come from
the resulting bonding.  It is difficult for me
to comprehend why certain things happen as they
do, and I can't help but wonder if there are
other ways that things could happen.  As much
as those people likely cherish the relationships
formed, I am sure they likely would have
preferred their loved ones still be here.

(This conversation reminds me of the movie
Sliding Doors.  Ever see it?  If not, if I had
a list of recommended movies, this one would
most certainly be on it.  It may make you think,
so don't watch it if you're wanting to avoid
having to think. ;)

In it you get to see the main character (Gwyneth
Paltrow) live out her life in two different ways,
one based on her catching a train, the other with
her missing it.  There are two Gwenyth's that know
nothing of the trials and tribulations of the

There are times that we are very much aware of
what pain we have in our life, and perhaps the
thing in instances like that is that within
life there is both joy and sorrow, and we can
choose to focus on either one. 

That above mentioned couple chooses to focus
on their love, while still acknowledging what
has come before - and even building upon it. 
I don't imagine that sorrow and pain are meant
to be ignored or forgotten, and we'll likely
never know why things happen as they do.

And since events that we can't control, and
will possibly never understand, are likely to
continue to occur, it probably is not what
happens as much as what we do in relation to
what happens that matters.   As a result, our
actions and how we interact with the events
will ultimately make the difference in how we
experience life and what comes next.

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